Subscription Refund Policy

Below is our refund policy for subscription services. Please review it carefully before subscribing:

  1. Billing and Cancellation: Subscriptions are automatically billed at the end of each paid billing cycle or trial period. You can cancel your subscription at any time, but you remain responsible for the full fee of the current billing cycle upon cancellation.
  2. Refunds: Once billed, all sales are final, and refunds are not issued. Cancellations are processed promptly but take effect at the end of the current billing cycle. You can continue accessing your product until the end of the cycle, with no further charges.
  3. Unused Portions and Trials: Refunds are not available for unused portions of the service, including trial periods. Trial periods cannot be paused or reinstated if a subscription is canceled early. Unused trial days cannot be credited towards billed days.
  4. Payment Processing: If a payment is declined, we may attempt to process it again. We reserve the right to amend this policy, so please review it periodically.
  5. Cancellation Processing: Cancellation requests may take a few days to process. You are solely responsible for canceling your account within your desired timeframe.
  6. Contact Us: For billing inquiries or policy suggestions, please reach out to us directly.
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